Sunday, May 20, 2012

Let summer begin!

I always love summer... well, I love it at the beginning, and I miss it at the end. I enjoy the freedom of being finished with school (one more year of college until I am finished forever! :) and I enjoy the beautiful weather, but here, the sun packs some heat! The humidity is awful. So I love summer mornings and summer evenings, when it is cool and there is usually a nice breeze.

If these past few days are any indication of how the rest of the summer will play out, then it will be one busy season. I like having things to do, but sometimes it can get a little crazy, especially for my sweet little boy who requires frequent naps if he is to be expected to be cheerful.

When Asher gets overtired, he begins to get loud. He yells! At his aunt's graduation Friday night, I kept trying to get him to go to sleep, but the crowd was too loud and he was afraid he would miss out if he went to sleep. So, in a similar fashion to the people cheering for their graduates as they walked across the stage, Asher too got very vocal. It's funny to watch him get so loud.

One night recently (I can't remember which night - everything's jumbled together) Brandon, Asher, and I went to Nick's baseball game. Much of the time was spent socializing with Asher's cousin Westin, my mom, my sister Kourtney, and her boyfriend Dustin.

It's so fun to see cousins interact with one another. They are so interested in each other!

Of course, we enjoyed the game as well. Nick got to pitch a few innings, and in the inning we saw, he did awesome! 3 strike-outs... that's my bro!

Asher's been busy, developmentally, too. He's started sitting up very well on his own. It came as quite a shock to me - we haven't been practicing as much as I guess we could have been - but I sat him up one day and he didn't fall down! I was amazed!

He's also started having more of an interest in our food, so we gave him rice cereal for the first time on Thursday night. He didn't seem to like it very much, but I think it was thinner than he expected and he's also not used to using a spoon.

It was so fun to watch him make a mess with it, though! 

He's also starting to push himself up into a mini-pushup position while on his belly - he's getting closer and closer to crawling!

Friday, we went to Lexington to return our Moby wrap we bought a few months ago. I liked the Moby, but Asher was too big for it and I like the Ergo better.

We got home in time for Brandon's sister Carrie's high school graduation. They did a neat little flash mob dance at the end, right after throwing their hats off. It was funny.

Saturday, we had a church event during the afternoon, and then we made our way to Eubank in the evening for Carrie's graduation party. It was a long day outdoors, and we enjoyed every part of it. 

4 Generations: Brandon, Asher, Brandon's dad and grandpa

 Asher with the grad: Aunt Carrie!

Next year is my sister Lauren's high school graduation. Hopefully Asher will do as well then as he did this year! Although he was tired and loud, he was happy and cheerful. That's my kind of baby!

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