Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Miscellany {Camp Edition}

1. Packing is stressful.

I never thought much about packing for a trip until I had a baby. My, oh my, the equipment a baby requires for a measly week! Gone are the days when I could pack last-minute for a trip across the world {when I went to Tanzania, I waited until the last minute to pack and ended up staying awake until 4am the day of our departure - packing!}. I know I packed the kitchen sink somewhere, I just can't find it amongst all the other stuff.

2. Air Conditioning is very nice.

You never really appreciate anything until it's gone, right? Ugh. Our AC went out some time late in the week - Thursday evening, I think. It didn't bother me much, because it hadn't affected the temperature much. Friday, it definitely warmed up some, so I called my step-dad to come look at it. He said he'd come and check it out, but ended up forgetting. 

We went out Friday evening and didn't notice the heat that much. Saturday, we had two fans and two window A/C units and spent most of the day outside anyway. Saturday evening, however - it was ridiculously hot. I couldn't focus on packing because it was scorching! Poor Asher couldn't get to sleep because he was too hot. We ended up staying the night at Brandon's mom's house. 

Long story short, I am very thankful for air conditioning. 

3. We love our family. 

All of them.

We got a visit this weekend from Brandon's Grandpa Hazlerig and Grandma Janet, who we have not seen since our wedding. It was good to be able to spend some time with them.

We got together as many of the family members on that side as we could and got some pictures, and had a wonderful day. 

4. Asher loves to swim.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Asher loves the pool. We went swimming for a little while at the pool at Grandpa's hotel, and he was a-splishin' and a-splashin'.

5. Camp is going well.

It's the first day of Kentucky Heartland Outreach, a camp where youth and chaperones come and build decks or a wheelchair ramp, or work on a roof for a homeowner who couldn't afford it otherwise. Our goal is to meet a physical need and to also try to meet a spiritual need, by ministering to the homeowner throughout the week. On Thursday, there will be a Homeowners' Banquet, where a Gospel presentation will be shared - however, we'd like for the youth to step out of their comfort zones as they work and start a conversation with their homeowner. 

We've got a really good group this year. I am excited to see where the Lord will take us.

Asher and I obviously won't be able to work on a work crew, so I've got lots of Netflix movies lined up, plus we'll take some walks, maybe meet up with some friends. I look forward to getting a bit of a vacation from my housework this week. 

Linking up with miscellany monday at lowercase letters 

1 comment:

  1. Love this! My hubs and I are leaving the kids with friends and taking our youth group to camp in two weeks, I can't wait and I'm dreading it! I love pouring into the teens, but I will miss miss miss my babies!
